I wondered into my sixth class classroom - since it was the last classroom I was assigned to from my primary school days, I remember it quite well. It is a room with a high sloping ceiling; high at the front of the classroom then the ceiling gets lower at the back until it reaches the back windows.
Lying down on the the low ledge at the wide back window was Misty - my ancient springer spaniel who has long since passed. She was just lying there, staring solemnly at me with cobwebs draped over her - the mere presence of them suggesting how truly ancient she was.
I found the sight of her with the cobwebs draped around her frail body quite eery. I retreated to the hall which happened to be the hall in my house and I sauntered down the hall to the kitchen. I must of been hungry or perhaps I was drawn to the wooden bread bin by something else. I opened the bread bin and to my disgusted amazement their was something fuzzy inside. I took a closer look and it started moving. It was a robotic spider with great crawling metal legs and fuzzy hairs all over it. It SPRANG at me.
The End.
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