Friday, 31 January 2014

The Spiral Staircase

When I was considerably younger, I hated all things pretty and most defiantly all things pink. Not to mention denim jackets...My hate of girly things ended with these, for I did like playing with dolls such as Barbies and Bratz and I enjoyed watching princess animated films...

I was and still am in some respects a tom-boy. As a result - having dreams about the list of girly things I stated above would have disgusted me.

This dream is very vague, seemingly twenty seconds long, but it could have gone on painfully for hours...

From what I can remember of the awful dream, I was either running or walking up a spiral staircase. The staircase happened to be within a regular tower, most likely I was Rapunzel as my hair was exceedingly long and was brushing off the steps as I ascended the tower. A cone was set securely on my head and a trail of satin flowed out of the point of the cone. I was dressed in pink and purple, the dress sweeping to the floor. I reached the top of the tower and my heart shuddered, once I realized I was trapped and worst of all - I was a helpless princess chained to her royal duties.

The End of Shit.

The Peaceful Vines

I don't remember ever having any nightmares as such, I most likely did have some, but thankfully they are not within my memory. In saying that, this particular dream is not particularly peachy...

To build up the expense, all horror films start with normal circumstances, but gradually build up to a frightening climax or some decide to drop you suddenly into a pit of horror. My Brain the comedian opted for the second option- it has a dark twisted sense of humor and wanted to see me suffer when I was at my most vulnerable.

My dream began in what can be considered a normal circumstance for a dream...There was a door, a mediocre door, yes , nothing special about that door besides it leading to the middle of a cliff face...There was a ledge extended out from the door that appeared to be about three meters long. There was even a sheltered area. Remembering it now, it seems as if a group of stone masons came along with their equipment and took a huge cubic chunk of rock out of the cliff face and after doing so settled for a door which led out to that unnatural place.

That is only the background of the dream, what actually was happening was my adventurous buddies Rebecca and Michelle and myself were putting on gear for rock climbing. I set off first, always being the most irrational out of the three and obviously a disaster occurs as the above horror films description hints.

Fundamentally, the cable was not attached to me, I climbed, nothing was supporting me so - I guess I didn't have floating abilities like Barnaby Brocket because I started falling slowly to my death - it appeared to be a long way down - considering how long it took for me to reach the ground.

It was a peaceful moment, falling - maybe that's how it feels like to free-fall out of a helicopter? I don't know, perhaps it is more exhilarating, heart pounding and whatnot...It was a peaceful, almost blissful, for around me were twirling green vines, subtly pointing down to where I would evidently end up. Also, more importantly there was a gorilla in the distance, through the vines watching my free-fall to the darkness below.
Just before I hit the ground and a big "SPLAT" sound could be amplified between the two cliff faces, I woke up with a "THUD" to the floor. Not as satisfying as hearing her go "SPLAT". It will have to do for today...but not for tomorrow...-Something along the lines of what my Brain was thinking.

Merged Places

I am unsure how common it is dream-wise, but this specific dream was a combination of two real life places that appeared to be under the same roof. One place was a classroom from my primary school and the other was my kitchen. Why did the hall that joins the rooms of my house together suddenly decide to attach itself to a classroom from my primary school? To this, I have no answers, but only  that anything can happen in a dream, so I just have to except that and try not to read to much into it...

I wondered into my sixth class classroom - since it was the last classroom I was assigned to from my primary school days, I remember it quite well. It is a room with a high sloping ceiling; high at the front of the classroom then the ceiling gets lower at the back until it reaches the back windows.

Lying down on the the low ledge at the wide back window was Misty - my ancient springer spaniel who has long since passed. She was just lying there, staring solemnly at me with cobwebs  draped over her - the mere presence of them suggesting how truly ancient she was.

I found the sight of her with the cobwebs draped around her frail body quite eery. I retreated to the hall which happened to be the hall in my house and I sauntered down the hall to the kitchen. I must of been hungry or perhaps I was drawn to the wooden bread bin by something else. I opened the bread bin and to my disgusted amazement their was something fuzzy inside. I took a closer look and it started moving. It was a robotic spider with great crawling metal legs and fuzzy hairs all over it. It SPRANG at me.

The End.

The Attack

I did have some unpleasant dreams, but I wouldn't classify them as nightmares, as they didn't make me scream or run in panic to my parent's bedroom. They merely made me squirm and frown in disgust...

Beginning of dream:

I happened to be prowling around my older brother's room - like I sometimes tend to do - and  I looked out the window, for there was a rumbling sound and the things which occupied my brother's room started to vibrate. I was sightly confused to see fighter plans flying over the sea and heading in my direction. My confusion adjusted into the more appropriate emotion of complete horror, as I noticed the enemy's symbol displayed proudly on the planes' wings.

 I ran for they were the enemy and they were laying a plague of bullets at my brother's window. I retreated to my friends house and we hoped to seek shelter from our mortal enemies; to no avail for they quickly rounded us up. I tried to make another phenomenal escape out the sitting room window, but within seconds I was rounded up by those hard working soldiers.

Conclusion of dream.

All I can say is-"Damn those hard working soldiers..."